....Mac an Bhaird Brewery

& Brew School

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Brewery Certification Levels


Levels of Brew Program

All standard must be met in addition to those below the level.

Brew master

As a meet all standards and has a monetary interest in this brewery.

Associate Brew master

Meet all standards for Brew master but does not have a monetary interest in this brewery.

Assistant Brew master

**Brewed for a full season.


*Successfully design and brew an all grain brew. (Must submit design for board consideration.)

Apprentice Level III

*Successfully brew an all grain brew.

Apprentice Level II

*Successfully brew a kit brew with addition of steeped grain.

Apprentice Level I

*Successfully brew a kit brew.


Attended two or more brew sessions.

Non Brewers

Non Brew Program


Head Brew Chief

Appointed by Brew master. Only one per brewery. Has authority over every thing except how to brew at the brewery.

Assistant Brew Chief

Appointed by Head Brew Chief or Brew Master.

Brew Leader

Appointed by Head Brew Chief or Brew Master.

Junior Brewmaster

Special position appointed by Brewmaster for dedication and hard work at the brewery.

Brew Crew

Has meet the standards required and assist at brewery on a regular basis. Must be recommended by a Brew Master or Head Brew Chief.

Spouse Brew

Must be married to a member of the brew crew.

Beer Girl/Boy

Has completed all training and can successfully deliver brew.

Brew Trainee

Is in the brew training program to become a full brew crew member.

Future Brew Crew

Must be between 0 and 3 years of age and have a family member who is on the brew crew.

Brew Critic

Appointed by the Brew Master. (Volatile position, the brewery is not responsible for accidents, dismembering or death that may occur as a result of poor taste buds or improper brew criticism.)

Brew Taster

Frequently taste brewery beer.

Brew Friend Brings free quality beer to brewing. (These friends are always welcome.)


* To have successfully brewed a batch the individual must have brewed, bottled and supplied the Brewery Board at least a six pack for tasting. The Brewery Board will then assign a tasting level to the brew. The brew will be considered successful only after the Board so rules.

** A brew season is defined by the Brewery Board. A season will consist of not more than a 12 consecutive months and must contain at least 12 brews.