The Mac an Bhaird Brewery was established January 1, 2001. We started with a Mr. Beer kit that my children had given me for Christmas 2000. I spent New Years Eve with my two year old brewing beer in our kitchen while the rest of the crew watched TV in the living room. We finished just after the ball dropped and brought in the new year. Although not the best way to start the brew was drinkable.
After our initial attempt with Mr. Beer we purchased a brew kit from Defalco's in Houston Texas. This was the begging of real beer. At this time we took on another future brewmaster Dan Costello. We brewed several kit beers and have now moved on to partial grain brews and full grain brews.
With all due modesty aside we found that we could brew better beer than one can purchase in the local store. Not just the brew staff feel this way. We have had several outsider taste our brew and to this date none have said anything bad and all have come back for more. I would encourage anyone to try to brew their own beer. It is both fun and satisfing. If you are in the Houston area or if you need help contact Defalco's for help, they are easy to talk too.
Click here to see the brew crew.