Below is a list of the current crew and their jobs. This is truely a family afair with each helping in their own way. My wife Linda is the true chief and even though she does not realy like beer she has helped and enjoyed the experience.
Brewmaster (want a be) | Alan Ward | |
Brewmaster (want a be) | Dan Costello | |
Chief in charge. |
Linda Ward |
Bottle Stacking & hard labor | RJ | |
Beer Girl (still sweet but working) | Meghan | |
Junior Brewmaster | Zoe | |
Local Beer Critic | Taking applications |
About the Brewmasters:
Brewmaster one: Alan L. Ward has been brewing since December 31, 2000. He brought a background of teaching Chemistry and Physical Science for 14 years to the brewery. He is Retired U.S. Army and holds a Batchelor Arts in Teaching from Sam Houston State University and a Masters in Instructional Technology from American InterContinental University.
Brewmaster two: Dan Costello has been brewing since January 3, 2001. He brought to the brewing process a background of teaching Chemistry for some 14 years. He has taught in Africa in the language of French and in the United States in English. He has taught in public and private Schools and holds a Bachelors of Science from Minnesota State University.