....Mac an Bhaird Brewery

& Brew School

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The Brew Deck

We first started in the kitchen. That was found to be unacceptable for all grain and was a pain to get large volumes of water to boil. So we moved out side.

Old Brew area.
Old Brew Rig (all grain). Not high tech, but it worked.
The new improvec rig. Note we now have dual burner, oh, ay...... Actually one of the best buys we have made. Cost $99.00 at Acadamey.
The top part of our "advanced system".
Run off from sparage.
The new brew tower. Now we have something!
Note the paving stone on the ground. It was a start but the area got real wet real quick.  
Not heaven but the deck floor keeps us nice and dry. There is also a smoke tinted cover over the brew area which means we can brew in the rain and stay dry.